Descriptions of EMF radiation health impacts are direct quotes from the studies.

Genetic profiling of rat gliomas and cardiac schwannomas from life-time radiofrequency radiation exposure study using a targeted next-generation sequencing gene panel

Ashley M Brooks, Andrea Vornoli, Ramesh C Kovi, Thai Vu T Ton, Miaofei Xu, Ahmed Mashal, Eva Tibaldi, Federica Gnudi, Jian-Liang Li, Robert C Sills, John R Bucher, Daniele Mandrioli, Fiorella Belpoggi, Arun R Pandiri - 2024 -

"In this study we have demonstrated that the gliomas and cardiac schwannomas in rats resulting from lifetime exposure to low dose far field RFR that are used for cellular telephone communications, are morphologically similar to low grade human gliomas and that about 25% of the mutations seen in these tumors have corresponding alterations in homologs of human cancer genes."

Mobile phone use and risks of overall and 25 site-specific cancers: a prospective study from the UK Biobank Study

Yanjun Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Ziliang Ye, Sisi Yang, Mengyi Liu, Qimeng Wu, Chun Zhou, Panpan He, Xiaoqin Gan, Xianhui Qin - 2023 -

"Conclusions: There was a dose-response relationship of length of mobile phone use with incident NMSC [non-melanoma skin cancer] in men and women, and prostate cancer in men. Impact: Our findings underscore the importance of limiting mobile phone use or keeping a distance from mobile phone for primary prevention of NMSC and prostate cancer."

Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer

A. Balmori - 2022 -

"Overall results of this review show three types of effects by base station antennas on the health of people: radiofrequency sickness (RS), cancer (C) and changes in biochemical parameters (CBP). Considering all the studies reviewed globally (n = 38), 73.6% (28/38) showed effects: 73.9% (17/23) for radiofrequency sickness, 76.9% (10/13) for cancer and 75.0% (6/8) for changes in biochemical parameters."

Health impact of 5G - European Parliament

Fiorella Belpoggi - 2021 -


1) cancer: FR1 (450 to 6 000 MHz): EMF are probably carcinogenic for humans, in particular related to gliomas and acoustic neuromas; FR2 (24 to 100 GHz): no adequate studies were performed on the higher frequencies;

2) reproductive developmental effects: FR1 (450 to 6 000 MHz): these frequencies clearly affect male fertility and possibly female fertility too. They may have possible adverse effects on the development of embryos, foetuses and newborns; FR2 (24 to 100 GHz): no adequate studies were performed on non-thermal effects of the higher frequencies."

The Effect of Continuous Low-Intensity Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Radio Base Stations to Cancer Mortality in Brazil

Nádia Cristina Pinheiro Rodrigues, Adilza Condessa Dode, Mônica Kramer de Noronha Andrade, Gisele O’Dwyer, Denise Leite Maia Monteiro, Inês Nascimento Carvalho Reis, Roberto Pinheiro Rodrigues, Vera Cecília Frossard, Valéria Teresa Saraiva Lino - 2021 -

"The balance of our results indicates that the exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from an RBS increases the rate of mortality by all cancers and specifically by breast, cervix, lung, and esophageal cancers. These conclusions are based on the fact that the findings of this study indicate that, the higher the RBS radiofrequency exposure, the higher the cancer mortality rate, especially for cervix cancer (adjust RR = 2.18). The spatial analysis showed that the highest RBS radiofrequency exposure was observed in a city located in the southern region of Brazil, which also showed the highest mortality rate for all types of cancer and specifically for lung and breast cancers."

Is the Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the Nordic Countries Caused by Use of Mobile Phones?

Michael Carlberg, Tarmo Koppel, Lena K. Hedendahl, Lennart Hardell - 2020 -

"Thyroid cancer incidence has been steeply increasing in Sweden and all Nordic countries during the 21st century. Use of the handheld mobile phone is increasing, in particular, the smartphone gives high RF radiation exposure to the thyroid gland. It is postulated that this might be a causative factor for the increasing incidence supported by human epidemiology that has shown an association between mobile phone use and thyroid cancer."

The Association Between Smartphone Use and Breast Cancer Risk Among Taiwanese Women: A Case-Control Study

Ya-Wen Shih, Chin-Sheng Hung, Cheng-Chiao Huang, Kuei-Ru Chou, Shu-Fen Niu, Sally Chan, Hsiu-Ting Tsai - 2020 -

"Excessive smartphone use significantly increased the risk of breast cancer, particularly for participants with smartphone addiction, a close distance between the breasts and smartphone, and the habit of smartphone use before bedtime."

The Association between Mobile Phones and the Risk of Brain Cancer Mortality: A 25-Year Cross-Country Analysis

Hugo M. Mialon, Erik Nesson - 2020 -

"We find that mobile phone subscription rates are positively and statistically significantly associated with death rates from brain cancer 15–20 years later. In falsification tests, we find few positive associations between mobile phone subscription rates and deaths from rectal, pancreatic, stomach, breast or lung cancer or ischemic heart disease. Finally, differential effects models suggest that mobile phone subscription rates are associated with brain cancer deaths 15–19 years later relative to deaths from other causes."

Genetic susceptibility may modify the association between cell phone use and thyroid cancer: A population-based case-control study in Connecticut

Jiajun Luo, Hang Li, Nicole C. Deziel, Huang Huang, Nan Zhao, Shuangge Ma, Xin Ni, Robert Udelsman, Yawei Zhang - 2019 -

"In conclusion, this study found that cell phone use increased the risk of thyroid cancer when genetic variants were present within some genes. Our study suggests that pathways related to DNA repair may be involved in the cell phone-thyroid carcinogenesis. This study identifies potential susceptible subgroups. More studies are urgently needed to confirm our findings and explain the mechanisms behind the interactions between genetic variants and cell phone use."

Radio frequency radiation-related cancer: assessing causation in the occupational/military setting

Michael Peleg, Or Nativ, Elihu D. Richter - 2018 -

"Overall, the epidemiological studies on excess risk for HL [hematolymphatic] and other cancers together with brain tumors in cellphone users and experimental studies on RFR and carcinogenicity make a coherent case for a cause-effect relationship and classifying RFR exposure as a human carcinogen (IARC group 1)."

Cancer epidemiology update, following the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Monograph 102)

Anthony B. Miller, L. Lloyd Morgan, Iris Udasin, Devra Lee Davis - 2018 -

"When considered with recent animal experimental evidence, the recent epidemiological studies strengthen and support the conclusion that RFR should be categorized as carcinogenic to humans (IARC Group 1)"

Report of Final Results Regarding Brain and Heart Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed from Prenatal Life until Natural Death to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Field Representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM Base Station Environmental Emission

L. Falcioni, L. Bua, E. Tibaldi, M. Lauriola, L. De Angelis, F. Gnudi, D. Mandrioli, M. Manservigi, F. Manservisi, I. Manzoli, I. Menghetti, R. Montella, S. Panzacchi, D. Sgargi, V. Strollo, A. Vornoli, F. Belpoggi - 2018 -

"The RI [Ramazzini Institute] findings on far field exposure to RFR are consistent with and reinforce the results of the NTP [National Toxicology Program] study on near field exposure, as both reported an increase in the incidence of tumors of the brain and heart in RFR-exposed Sprague-Dawley rats. These tumors are of the same histotype of those observed in some epidemiological studies on cell phone users. These experimental studies provide sufficient evidence to call for the re-evaluation of IARC [International Agency for Research on Cancer] conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans."

Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies in B6C3F1/N mice exposed to whole-body radio frequency radiation at a frequency (1,900 MHz) and modulations (GSM and CDMA) used by cell phones

National Toxicology Program - 2018 -

"Under the conditions of these 2-year studies, there was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity of GSM-modulated cell phone RFR at 1,900 MHz in male B6C3F1/N mice based on the combined incidences of fibrosarcoma, sarcoma, or malignant fibrous histiocytoma in the skin and the incidences of alveolar/bronchiolar adenoma or carcinoma (combined) in the lung."

"There was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity of GSM-modulated cell phone RFR at 1,900 MHz in female B6C3F1/N mice based on the incidences of malignant lymphoma (all organs)."

"There was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity of CDMA-modulated cell phone RFR at 1,900 MHz in male B6C3F1/N mice based on the incidences of hepatoblastoma of the liver."

"There was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity of CDMA-modulated cell phone RFR at 1,900 MHz in female B6C3F1/N mice based on the incidences of malignant lymphoma (all organs)."

Evaluation of Mobile Phone and Cordless Phone Use and Glioma Risk Using the Bradford Hill Viewpoints from 1965 on Association or Causation

Michael Carlberg, Lennart Hardell - 2017 -

"The nine Bradford Hill viewpoints on association or causation regarding RF radiation and glioma risk seem to be fulfilled in this review. Based on that we conclude that glioma is caused by RF radiation. Revision of current guidelines for exposure to RF radiation is needed."

Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans

Alexander Lerchl , Melanie Klose, Karen Grote, Adalbert F.X. Wilhelm, Oliver Spathmann, Thomas Fiedler, Joachim Streckert, Volkert Hansen, Markus Clemens - 2015 -

"Numbers of tumors of the lungs and livers in exposed animals were significantly higher than in sham-exposed controls. In addition, lymphomas were also found to be significantly elevated by exposure. A clear dose–response effect is absent. We hypothesize that these tumor-promoting effects may be caused by metabolic changes due to exposure."

"The fact that both studies found basically the same tumor-promoting effects at levels below the accepted (and in most countries legally defined) exposure limits for humans is worrying. Although animal experiments are generally not easily transferable to the situation in humans, the findings are a very clear indication that – in principal – tumor-promoting effects of life-long RF-EMF exposure may occur at levels supposedly too low to cause thermal effects."

Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study

Gaëlle Coureau, Ghislaine Bouvier, Pierre Lebailly, Pascale Fabbro-Peray, Anne Gruber, Karen Leffondre, Jean-Sebastien Guillamo, Hugues Loiseau, Simone Mathoulin-Pélissier, Roger Salamon, Isabelle Baldi - 2014 -

"These additional data support previous findings concerning a possible association between heavy mobile phone use and brain tumours."

Association between vestibular schwannomas and mobile phone use

In Seok Moon, Bo Gyung Kim, Jinna Kim, Jong Dae Lee, Won-Sang Lee - 2014 -

"From our results, we found that tumors tended to coincide in the more frequently used ear when talking on mobile phones, and tumor volume showed strong correlation with the amount of mobile phone use, thus there is a possibility that mobile phone use may affect existing tumors growth."

Connection between Cell Phone use, p53 Gene Expression in Different Zones of Glioblastoma Multiforme and Survival Prognoses

Reza Akhavan-Sigari, Morteza Mazloum Farsi Baf, Vahid Ariabod, Veit Rohde, Saeed Rahighi - 2014 -

"We found that p53 gene expression in the peripheral zone of glioblastoma was increased in 65% of patients who used cell phones more than 3 hours a day and that this increase was significantly correlated with shorter overall survival time."

The effects of mobile phones on apoptosis in cerebral tissue: an experimental study on rats

A. Yilmaz, N. Yilmaz, Y. Serarslan, M. Aras, M. Altas, T. Özgür, F. Sefil - 2014 -

"Our results showed that EMW emitted by mobile phone have an effect on apoptotic and antiapoptotic proteins. Apoptosis is a mechanism that diminishes the damaged cells and prevents the potential malignancy; our results would support the hypothesis that this type of EMW could be one of the triggering etiological factors that play a role in cerebral carcinogenesis."

DNA and Chromosomal Damage in Residents Near a Mobile Phone Base Station

G. Gandhi, Jasmine Naru, Maninder Kaur, Gurpreet Kaur - 2014 -

"The long-term exposure to low intensity electromagnetic microwaves as emitted continuously by mobile phone base station may provoke ill-health effects which may further lead to cancer development."

Use of mobile phones and cordless phones is associated with increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma

Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Kjell Hansson Mild - 2013 -

"There is a consistent pattern of increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma associated with use of wireless phones. The current safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health and new public health standards and limits are needed."

Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones

John G. West, Nimmi S. Kapoor, Shu-Yuan Liao, June W. Chen, Lisa Bailey, Robert A. Nagourney - 2013 -

"We report a case series of four young women—ages from 21 to 39—with multifocal invasive breast cancer that raises the concern of a possible association with nonionizing radiation of electromagnetic field exposures from cellular phones. All patients regularly carried their smartphones directly against their breasts in their brassieres for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in areas of their breasts immediately underlying the phones."

Pathophysiology of Microwave Radiation: Effect on Rat Brain

Kavindra Kumar Kesari, Sanjay Kumar, Jitendra Behari - 2012 -

"Our results suggest that a 2.45-GHz exposure decreases the melatonin activity and increases that of c[r]eatine kinase, caspase-3, and calcium ion, which affect the brain physiology. Our findings of these parameters are clear indications, pointing toward tumor promotion. The results, in general, have wide ranging implications affecting normal physiological functioning of the exposed group."

Long-term exposure to microwave radiation provokes cancer growth: evidences from radars and mobile communication systems

I Yakymenko, E Sidorik, S Kyrylenko, V Chekhun - 2011 -

"Taken together, we state here that nowadays there is enough convincing data to appropriately assert that the long-term exposure to low intensity electromagnetic microwaves can indeed promote cancer development. To that, the official recommendations by ICNIRP and safety limits set by many national regulatory bodies for technical devices emitting microwave radiation, first of all for mobile communication systems, must be re-assessed according to the recent alarming data; and additional studies for un-prejudiced risk assessment must be carried out. At present, we strongly suggest for a wide implementation of precautionary principle for everyday microwave exposure that implies maximum restriction of excessive exposure."

900-MHz microwave radiation promotes oxidation in rat brain

Kavindra Kumar Kesari, Sanjay Kumar, Jitendra Behari - 2011 -

"Results from the present studies conclude that a reduction/increase in antioxidative enzyme activity may be related to overproduction of ROS in animals under mobile phone radiation exposure. Our findings on protein kinase, antioxidant enzymes, melatonin, caspase, and creatine kinase are clear indications of possible tumor promotion."